This website contains information about the scholarship. to study in japan, UK, Australia and etc. Scholarship... Scholarship... Scholarship...
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
beasiswa pns depkominfo
beasiswa pns depkominfo
Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika pada Tahun 2010 kembali membuka kesempatan dan menyediakan beasiswa S2 di luar negeri bagi PNS di lingkungan lembaga pemerintah, karyawan/karyawati di lembaga pendidikan dan industri Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi (TIK), serta masyarakat umum.
Persyaratan :
1. Lulusan sarjana (S1)
2. Memiliki IPK minimal 3.00 (dari skala 4)
3. Memiliki nilai Institutional TOEFL (ITP) minimal 550 atau IELTS minimal 6.5
4. Memiliki nilai Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA) minimal 550
5. Mendapat rekomendasi dari pejabat yang berwenang
6. Diutamakan :
a. Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun
b. Berusia maksimal 35 tahun
c. Belum memiliki gelar dan tidak sedang menerima beasiswa lain dan/atau sedang mengikuti program pendidikan S2
7. Pendaftaran dan penyerahan berkas lamaran beasiswa paling lambat tanggal 5 April 2010
Informasi persyaratan dan formulir pendaftaran beasiswa dapat Anda lihat di website terkait.
[US] PhD Fellowship in Sacred Music, Worship and the Arts at The Institute of Sacred Music, University of Yale
The Institute of Sacred Music at Yale University is currently accepting applications for the ISM Fellows in Sacred Music, Worship, and the Arts for the 2011-2012 academic year. This unique residential fellowship will allow scholars and practitioners in sacred music, liturgical and ritual studies, or religion and the arts to join a vibrant interdisciplinary community at Yale University for one year to further and share their work. The fellowship provides a stipend of up to $60,000, and offers the opportunity to teach.
The quality, significance, and focus of the work fellows propose to do during the residency are of paramount importance in the selection process. Each fellow will undertake a substantive and original project that relates to the mission of the Institute. This could be original scholarship, an art exhibition, a musical composition, or work of creative writing, etc.
The Institute especially seeks fellows whose accomplishments have already established them in their field, although applications will be accepted from scholars and practitioners at all career levels. For those at academic institutions, tenure is a desired qualification. An applicant should typically hold the terminal degree in her or his field, although exceptions to this rule may be made in some artistic disciplines. The work applicants propose to pursue must support the mission of the Institute; fellows are expected to work primarily on this project during their year in residence.
Clustered Applications
The Institute welcomes applications from a cluster of qualified individuals who wish to work on a common project. Each person must complete a separate application and note in the appropriate place that he or she is part of a cluster. The same guidelines apply in every other way.
Application Process
The application deadline is September 20, 2010. After the selection committee consisting of senior faculty at Yale and sister institutions makes its deliberations, applicants will be notified of their status by February 15, 2011.
Applicants will complete the online form and should include the following information. All materials must be written and submitted in English. The application requires:
Personal data (including education and professional work).
Curriculum-vita, not to exceed 10 pages in length.
A statement of not more than 1400 words describing the proposed scholarly or creative project intended for the year. The body of the proposal should describe the project, explain the significance of the topic, and place the work within the context of relevant disciplines. This project must relate to the mission of the Institute. The proposal should describe in detail the relationship to the mission, and explain how a year’s residence at the Institute would enhance this work. A brief bibliography should be included when appropriate.
A 150-word abstract of the proposal.
A sample of scholarly or artistic work. Scholars should submit no more than 30 pages of published writings. Religious leaders and artists should submit a roughly equivalent example of their creative work (for example, sermons, liturgies, artwork, plays, compositions, etc.).
For those who wish to teach, please include a brief description of one to three courses and the departments or schools in which these courses might be taught as well as a course title, weekly lecture topics, and short reading list. Additional information may be required of fellows after they have been invited to come. Three letters of reference from qualified leaders in the applicant’s field. Letters should include an evaluation of the applicant’s research proposal and his or her capacity to fulfill it. The online application requires a list of the names, positions, and contact information of recommenders who will be asked to submit their letters online.
If a recommender has no access to email, the applicant should notify us at
Application deadline for receipt of all materials is September 20, 2010. The online application for the 2011-2012 fellowship year will be available soon.
Persyaratan menjadi penerima Beasiswa Djarum
* Pria atau wanita.
* Sedang menempuh Tingkat Pendidikan S1 (Strata 1).
* Prestasi Akademik dengan IPK diatas 3.00, telah menyelesaikan 4 semester (kondisi keuangan keluarga menjadi salah satu pertimbangan).
* Aktif mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan organisasi di Kampus.
* Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari pihak lain.
* Mahasiswa mengajukan surat permohonan beasiswa kepada perguruan tinggi melalui Direktur Administrasi Kemahasiswaan atau Pembantu Rektor III .
* Fotocopy Kartu Hasil Studi Semester 4 (empat).
* Fotocopy sertifikat kegiatan organisasi/surat keterangan aktif berorganisasi.
* Surat keterangan dari kampus tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari pihak lain.
* Fotocopy KTP.
* Satu lembar foto ukuran 4 x 6 cm berwarna memakai jas almamater.
* Mengikuti psikotes.
* Wawancara.
* Membuat tulisan singkat.
Lebih Lengkapnya silahkan kunjungi di Djarum
Program Beasiswa S1 Universitas Paramadina 2010
beasiswa Universitas Paramadina
Universitas Paramadina bekerjasama dengan para dermawan Indonesia untuk “ketiga kalinya”, memberikan beasiswa kepada siswa-siswi lulusan Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas (SLTA) atau sederajat yang memiliki potensi akademis maupun non-akademis untuk mengikuti pendidikan (S-1) di Universitas Paramadina, pada Program Studi :
* Manajemen dan Bisnis
* Falsafah dan Agama,
* Ilmu Komunikasi,
* Psikologi,
* Hubungan Internasional,
* Teknik Informatika,
* Desain Komunikasi Visual
* Desain Produk Industri.
* Siswa kelas 3 atau lulusan SLTA atau sederajat dari seluruh Indonesia.
* Siswa kelas 3 atau lulusan SLTA atau sederajat, dengan nilai rata-rata NEM/UAN, STTB, dan Raport Kelas I, II dan III, minimum 7,50.
* Termasuk 10 siswa atau lulusan terbaik di kelas selama 4 (empat) semester.
* Tanggal lahir 1 Januari 1987 dan setelahnya.
* Memiliki kecerdasan emosional dan jiwa kepemimpinan, mudah bersosialisasi, serta beretika tinggi.
* Aktif dalam kegiatan organisasi intra dan ekstra sekolah.
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris atau bahasa asing lainnya.
* Memahami dan menyetujui semua persyaratan dan ketentuan yang berlaku dalam program beasiswa ini
Ketentuan yang berlaku :
1. Penerima beasiswa harus menyelesaikan masa kuliah dalam kurun 4 tahun kalender akademik.
2. Siswa yang tidak mendapatkan nilai IPK minimal 3,00 selama dua semester pada saat perkuliahan, dinyatakan gagal dan tidak lagi memperoleh beasiswa untuk penyelesaian sisa masa studi.
3. Nominasi ini akan gugur dengan sendirinya apabila siswa/pendaftar dinyatakan tidak lulus UAN.
4. Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa untuk Pendidikan Tinggi.
5. Tidak boleh menerima beasiswa lain, selama menjalani PF.
Proses Pendaftaran
Formulir pendaftaran dapat diperoleh di Bagian Informasi Universitas Paramadina tanpa dipungut biaya atau dapat di download di website:
Info beasiswa lengkapnya dapat Anda lihat di
Batas Waktu Pendaftaran
Batas akhir penyerahan formulir dan berkas pendaftaran Program Paramadina Fellowship 2010 adalah:
Melalui pos, dengan stempel pos, 10 April 2010.
Langsung diantar ke Universitas Paramadina, 17 April 2010.
Beasiswa Supersemar 2010
Beasiswa Supersemar 2010
Bersama ini kami sampaikan bahwa Yayasan Supersemar kembali memberikan beasiswa untuk mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia untuk tahun periode 2010. Beasiswa ini akan dialokasikan untuk 180 mahasiswa reguler dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
* Beasiswa ini diperuntukkan bagi mahasiswa yang duduk di minimal semester 3 dan maksimal belum lulus satu tahun kedepan, IPK minimal 2,50 dan berasal dari keluarga kurang mampu.
* Pendartaran beserta berkasnya harus dikirimkan melalui Manajer/Koordinator Kemahasiswaan Fakultas ke Direktorat Kemahasiswaan di Gedung Pusat Pelayanan Mahasiswa Terpadu Universitas Indonesia (PPMTUI) paling lambat tanggal 11 Maret 2010, berkas yang harus dilengkapi adalah berikut ini:
1. Formulir beasiswa Direktorat Kemahasiswaan yang sudah di isi; (download formulir)
2. Transkip nilai;
3. Surat keterangan dari PA bahwa mahasiswa tersebut berkelakuan baik dan motivasi belajar yang tinggi
4. Surat keterangan tidak mampu dari RT/RW setempat
5. Surat rekomendasi dari Manajer/Koordinator Kemahasiswaan Fakultas
6. Soft kopi daftar nama calon penerima beasiswa di dalam Flash Disk atau (E-Mail Bapak Bambang Wijanarko, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )
7. Mahasiswa dimohon untuk tanda tangan pada surat bermaterai seperti pada contoh surat terlampir diketahui Manajer Mahalum Fakultas.
Perlu kami informasikan juga bahwa bantuan beasiswa Supersemar tahun anggaran 2010 sebesar Rp. 120.000 (seratus dua puluh ribu rupiah) per mahasiswa per bulan, untuk jangka 12 (dua belas) bulan. Beasiswa ini diutamakan bagi mahasiswa penerima beasiswa tahun 2009 yang masih memenuhi persyaratan.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Total Summer School and Total Scholarship 2010
As implementation of social responsibility and commitment to support the development of education, TOTAL provides opportunities for students from various universities in various countries to attend Summer School in France in July-August 2010.
The requirements include:
* Sitting in semester 5 and 7 in the month of the semester in August 2010
* Study Program: All departments in the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Economics, Social: Department of Communications, State Administration, International Relations and the Faculty of Law
* GPA above 3.00 (attach the last transcript)
* Curriculum vitae including list of references to all the activities & training which have been followed
* Can be actively speak English (TOEFL min 550 or a diploma DELF)
* Active in organizational leadership.
The document must be completed are as follows:
* Fill out Application Form (please take in the UI Student)
* CV (curriculum vitae including references to all the activities and training have been followed)
* Final transcripts
* Reference of training or activities which have been followed.
B. Total Scholarship 2010
As implementation of social responsibility and commitment to support the development of education, TOTAL provides scholarships for college students in various countries.
Requirements for these scholarship enthusiasts:
* Participants are graduates (Bachelor) or Student / i in the final semester (already passed in April 2010).
* Derived from all departments in the Faculty of Engineering and Economics, Department of Social Administration, International Relations, and the Faculty of Law.
* Achieving a scholar / best students from each department with a GPA <3:00; 550 min TOEFL score or have a diploma DELF.
* Active in the organization.
TOTAL will conduct the selection process for scholarships enthusiasts with schedules and locations will be informed later.
Documents to be completed:
* CV and final transcripts
* Reference of the activities and training have been followed
* Fill out Application Form and Motivation Form (attached)
All the registration files can be sent to the Directorate of Student Affairs Office Student Services Building UI Campus UI Depok Integrated at the latest on October 31, 2009.
Turkey Scholarships 2010-2011 For Indonesian Students
According to information from the Turkish Embassy in Indonesia, which received ANTARA News here on Monday, the amount of the scholarship package offered was increased tenfold compared to five years ago, the period 2004-2005.
Provision of scholarship package was divided into three programs, namely the Turkish language course package for 10 people, S1 graduate programs for men and 30 master's programs / doctoral to 10 people. Indonesia is the country the sixth most widely received 120 scholarship from the Turkish state scholarship recipients.
Relations between the Republic of Turkey and Indonesia have developed rapidly in various fields during the last few years, ranging from politics, economics to culture and education.
In education, the relationship between the two countries increased after the signing of the memorandum of understanding between Turkey and Indonesia at the time of the Turkish Education Minister Huseyin Celik visit to Indonesia, 21-25 January 2009.
As one proof of the close relations between the two countries in the field of education is to increase the number of Turkish scholarships for students and students in Indonesia.
Scholarship applications can be taken and submitted through the Turkish Embassy in Jakarta. The deadline for submission is May 28, 2010.
For that colleagues can contact directly the Embassy of Turkey in the address and phone number below:
Turkish Embassy
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. 1 Kuningan Jakarta Selatan
Tel. 021-525 6250
Can also send an email to ask about these scholarships to the following address: karslan33 [at] (replace [at] with @ and no spaces). Please use the English language when sending emails because the officer who handles the Turks.
If you want to get the application form, can be downloaded here.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Fellowship with a value of 40 to 65 million Rupiah per-student will cover the entire cost of college that was conducted over 3 semesters. Lectures, which are conducted in English and Indonesian (bilingual), held on campus Paramadina Postgraduate Schools, in The Energy Tower, Floor 22, SCBD, Jakarta, from Monday-Thursday, hours 19:00 to 21:00, so as not to interfere with career students.
For those interested to register through the REGULAR, tuition fees are as follows: (1) Strategic Finance - Rp 65 jt, (2) Islamic Business & Finance - Rp 40 jt, (3) Diplomacy - Rp 50 jt, (4) Political Communication -- Rp 45 jt, (5) Corporate Communication - Rp 45jt. There are various scholarship schemes for applicants who have high test scores.
Final registration through regular fellowship and is January 16, 2010, the first week of classes starting in February 2010.
TIPS & TRICKS interview to get a scholarship
What is your motivation to get this scholarship?
field what you want to learn and why?
What is your greatest achievement?
Is there a lesson or project you've ever done that makes you proud?
What are you going to do in the future? Five years from now? Ten years from now?
Of all the books you've read this year, what books your favorite and why?
How would you describe yourself to people you do not know?
what extracurricular activities are important to you?
What is the biggest mistake you ever do in life?
If you are given the opportunity to discuss or lunch with someone special, (who is still alive or ready dead), you will choose who? What's your first question and why you ask?
Who is this person you think is your hero and why?
Why do you think you deserve to be recipients of this scholarship?
What are you going to do for the people around you after you finish the program?
8 PhD Positions
Job Description : The INTRO project (INTeractive RObotics Research Network) is offering 8 PhD student positions in different areas of Interactive Robotics:
• Learning from Demonstration and Imitation
• Emotional interaction
• Learning inspired by cognitive psychology
• Intelligent interface design
• Behaviour and intention recognition for human-robot learning
• Dynamic gesture analysis
• Robot safety and interaction
• Failure detection and recovery
INTRO is funded by the European Commission as part of the FP7 program and involves 6 partners:
– Umeå University, Sweden
– Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
– Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
– Space Applications Services, Belgium
– Robosoft, France
– University of the West of England, UK
Each position has to be applied for separately.
Common closing date for all applications: 15th of April 2010.
Anticipated start date: 1st of September 2010 or earlier.
Job Homepage :
Category :
Contact address : Umeå University
901 87 Umeå
DAAD Siemens Scholarship 2010 for Ph.D Studies in Germany
Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) German Academic Exchange Service invites applications to do a PhD degree supervised by scientists working at universities in Germany in close cooperation with scientists working for Siemens Corporate Technology on one of the topics
1. Flexible Production Systems
2. Linear parameter varying controllers for complex networked systems
3. High-Performance Dexterous Grasping Under Uncertainty
4. Scalable reasoning methods for large-scale processing, retrieval and analysis of distributed, heterogeneous data.
5. Liquid phase epitaxy of cadmium telluride based semiconductor layers with controlled defect population
6. Novel Magnetic Materials for Power Applications
7. Eco-efficiency assessment for strategic decision making support
8. Optimization of flows with non-linear losses
9. Scenario-Based Requirements Development for Mobile and Embedded Systems
10. Investigation of mechanical and electrical properties of fibre reinforced composites with a nano particle filled epoxy matrix
Duration: 3 Years
Scholarship Value
• Stipend of Euro 1000.00 per month
• A lump sum towards air fare from India to Germany and back
• Exemption from payment of university tuition fees
• A study and research subsidy
• Compulsory health insurance covered by DAAD
Requirements and Conditions
- Highly qualified post graduates from one of the listed institutions.
- International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore
- International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad
- Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
- Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research, Bhopal
- Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research, Kolkata
- Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research, Mohali
- Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research, Pune
- Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research, Thiruvananthapuram
- Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai [Bombay]
- Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
- Indian Institute of Technology Madras
- Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
- Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
- Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
- Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
- All Indian Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
- University of Hyderabad
- Banaras Hindu University
- Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
- TERI University, New Delhi
- Anna University, Chennai
- German language skills are not mandatory
- In general, candidates should be residing in India at the time of application. Candidates, who have been in Germany for more than one year at the time of application, are not eligible to apply.
- Candidate must be a resident of India and an Indian national
The application submission process is online. Visit .
The deadline for submission of applications is 28th Feb. 2010 at DAAD New Delhi Office.
Important: DAAD will not consider incomplete applications.
Applications and relevant documents have to be submitted at the DAAD office in New Delhi German Academic Exchange Service
Mrs. Anuroopa Dixit
IIIrd Floor,
72 Lodi Estate,
Lodi Road
New Delhi – 110 003
Tel.: +91 11 2461 5148 / 5009
Fax: +91 11 2469 0919
Taylor’s Principal’s Award 2010
Dateline : 14 August 2009
Calling all SPM 2009 students who have contributed significantly to your country, community or school.
Minimum requirement
- SPM level (based on school mid year exam results)
- Diploma and foundation programs : 6A’s
- A level , SAM, International Canadian Pre-University , IB & ADP : 7 As
- Students whose mid year school’s results are slightly below the requirement but have excellent record of involvement in extra-curricular actions and or community service may also apply.
- Applicant must hold positions of responsibility in school or in extra-curricular activities such as sports, uniform bodies or have won competition at various level.
For more information
Source : Taylor’s University College
DAAD Scholarships 2011/2012
- Research grants for doctoral candidates and young academics and scientists.
- Research grants for doctoral candidates within the sandwich model.
- Re-Invitation programme for former scholarship holders.
- Scholarships for postgraduate courses with relevance to developing countries (Master's). Download list of available courses.
- Study visits to Germany for groups of foreign students.
- DAAD-DLR Scholarships (PhD and Postdoc). Click here for details.
Visit Office: Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri, 10:00 to 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Phone :03-21480568
DAAD SIEMENS PhD Scholarships for Indian Students 2010-2011
Objectives To do a PhD degree supervised by scientists working at universities in Germany in close cooperation with scientists working for Siemens Corporate Technology on one of the topics under current offers (see Annex 1 in attached document)
Target Group
Highly qualified post graduates from one of the listed institutions (attached document)
Scholarship Value
Stipend of Euro 1000.00 per month
• A lump sum towards air fare from India to Germany and back
• Exemption from payment of university tuition fees
• A study and research subsidy
• Compulsory health insurance covered by DAAD
Requirements and Conditions
• Please check the individual offer for information on requirements
and host institutions
• German language skills are not mandatory
• In general, candidates should be residing in India at the time
of application. Candidates, who have been in Germany for
more than one year at the time of application, are not eligible
to apply.
Application Documents
To be arranged in the order mentioned below
• 2 application forms with a passport-size photograph attached
to each form. Please ensure that you have signed
both forms before sending them to us.
• 2 typed copies of curriculum-vitae (max. 2 pages)
• Abstract of master/diploma thesis
• 2 typed copies of letter if Intend
• 2 references from senior academics from the applicant’s
field of study/research on the proforma available on our
website. The referee’s title and academic status should be
clearly indicated in this (with official rubber-stamp). These
should be Confidential (in sealed envelopes) and should be
• Proof of English language skills (TOEFL 550/213/80; IELTS:
• 2 copies of all chronologically arranged academic certificates
and mark-sheets (all copies must be attested; attested
English translation, if the originals are in Hindi; Attestation
can be done by a gazetted Government officer).
Application Procedure
The application submission process is online. The link is available on our website.
The deadline for submission of applications is 28th Feb. 2010 at
DAAD New Delhi Office.
Important: DAAD will not consider incomplete applications.
Time Line
• Announcement Dec 2009
• Application deadline 28th Feb 2010
• Selections April 2010 at Head Office
• Beginning of PhD studies 1st Oct 2010
Important Information
Kindly Note:
• Please use A4 size paper only and DO NOT staple the documents
• The first and last name filled in the application form has to be identical to the name in the Passport
• Candidate must be a resident of India and an Indian national Contact Person and Address
Applications and relevant documents have to be submitted at
the DAAD office in New Delhi
German Academic Exchange Service
Mrs. Anuroopa Dixit
IIIrd Floor, 72 Lodi Estate, Lodi Road
New Delhi – 110 003
Tel.: +91 11 2461 5148 / 5009
Fax: +91 11 2469 0919
Further Scholarship Information and Application
UK: PhD International Scholarship Award Tony May Scholarship
Tony May Scholarship
Partial Fee Waiver for International Students worth up to £4000 p.a.
The Institute for Transport Studies (ITS) has recently been awarded a Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education. The Prizes are a national honour recognising exceptional achievement and the Institute is receiving the award for “sustained excellence – 40 years’ impact in transport research and teaching”.
Professor Tony May was one of those responsible for this sustained excellence and to recognise his contribution to the field (particularly in developing countries), ITS are offering up to three International Students the chance of reduced fees. These scholarships will provide international students with a life-changing opportunity they would not otherwise have.
This is an exciting opportunity to undertake doctoral study at the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS), one of the world’s most esteemed centres for multi-disciplinary research. The successful applicant will join an internationally-leading team undertaking both pure and applied research that aims to develop a transport system for the future. Our aim is to develop people with enquiring minds to become instrumental in the future of transport.
Applications are invited for the commencement of FULL TIME study during 2010-2011 (there is flexibility in the start-date, up to October 2011).
Whilst candidates are encouraged to suggest their own topic they are advised to visit the ITS website to view previous and current projects.
This scholarship is open to International students only. Applicants should hold a minimum of a First Class or good Upper Second Class Honours Degree and/or a Masters Degree or equivalents. Evidence of proficiency in English language is also required (IELTS 6.0 or equivalent) where English is not the applicant’s first language. Assessment of applications is based on academic merit and in competition with other applicants. ITS welcomes applications from all sections of the community.
Full application details are available from the ITS website
The deadline for receipt of applications is Friday 23rd April 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Beasiswa Depkominfo 2010 Overseas Postgraduate Scholarship
Ministry of Communication and Information Technology is offering overseas postgraduate scholarship program for civil servant of government institutions, employees of higher education institutions and of Communication and Information Technology institutions, as well as society at large.
Eligibility :
- Applicant must be a bachelor graduate (S1)
- Applicant must have
- GPA min. 3.00 (4 as the highest scale)
- Institutional TOEFL (ITP) min. 550 or IELTS min. 6.5
- Academic Potential Test (TPA) min. 550
- Applicants must have recommendation letter from authoritative official
- Priorities :
a. Minimum of 2 years full time working experience
b. Age maximum 35 years old
c. Applicant has not pursued or is undertaking a master degree and is not receiving scholarship from other institutions - Application will only be accepted via post not later than April 5th, 2010
Information of the eligibility and application forms can be downloaded here:
Tim Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia
Panitia Seleksi Beasiswa S2 Luar Negeri
Gedung Belakang Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika Lt. 4
Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat No. 9
Jakarta – 10110
Yayasan Proton Scholarship
Bachelors Degree in Engineering - Electronics / Electrical / Mechanical / Mechatronics / Automotive Engineering / Bachelors Degree in Marketing / Bachelor's Degree in Accountancy
- Pursuing the above courses in local universities.
- Those who are currently pursuing undergraduate studies in the 1st, 2nd. or 3rd. year posses minimum CGPA of 3.0 or Second Class Upper or equivalent and have not received any financial assistance from other organizations are encouraged to apply.
- SPM leavers with Grade A in the following subjects:
- BM, English, Maths, Physics and Chemistry for Engineering course.
- BM, English, Maths, Accounting Principles and Basic Economics for Marketing and Accountancy course.
How to apply
Interested candidate must submit their resume together with photocopies of all examination results, relevant certificates, letter of acceptance by the Universities (if any) and passport sized photograph to:
Head of HR Planning & Staffing, Human Resource Division,
Perusahaan Otomobil National Berhad, Hicom Industrial Estate, Batu 3,
PO BOX 7100, 40918 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Tel No: 03-5191 1055 Fax No: 03-5191 9120
MARA Scholarship for Bachelor of Medicine or Bachelor of Surgery
Selection of students will be based on their pre-university results, performance in the semi-structured interview as well as the results of an aptitude test.
To meet the requirements, students must first score three principals in the STPM or A-Levels with an “A” in chemistry. Apart from that, those who score excellent results in other pre-university programmes such as Australian Matriculation, Australian Year 12, Monash University Foundation Year, Canadian Matriculation, Canadian International Matriculation Programme and International Baccalaureate will also be eligible for a MARA scholarship. Pre-requisite subjects include English or English as a Second Language (ESL) and chemistry.
Students whose pre-university qualifications do not include English or ESL must demonstrate their English language proficiency through the A-level or TOEFL English tests. Apart from offering MARA scholarship for medicine, MARA also offers MARA scholarships for other Monash degree courses including engineering, information technology, business and science. The MARA scholarship are interest-free and the repayment amount may be reduced if students achieve excellent results.
How to apply
visit Monash University
MARA Scholarship Programs
- Excellent Student Scheme (Skim Pelajar Cemerlang)
- American Degree Foundation /Programs for American Top Universities (ATU)
- International Baccalaureate
- A-Level for British Top Universities (BTU)
- German A-Level
1st. Degree Professional / Programs
1st Degree Programs at IPTA/IPTS.
Scholarship of students at MARA Institutes of higher learning eg. GMI, MFI. Scholarship of students at other technical institutes eg. TATI, Tool Tronic and JMTI
Franchised Diploma Program of Public Institutes of Higher Learning at private colleges,IT Diploma at MARA Institutes of Learning, Franchised Degree Program of Public Institutes of Higher Learning at private colleges, Professional Accountancy ACCA/CIMA, Professional Architecture--PAM/LAM II,Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators-ICSA 3 + 0 programs in private colleges.
Overseas Programs
1st. Degree/Professional Programs
Scholarship of SPM leavers
Scholarship of Diploma holders
Scholarship of 1st. Degree holdersScholarship of Masters Degree holders
Scholarship of Accountancy studentsNotes: Field of studies sponsored for (i-iii) are Medicine, Engineering, Information Technology, Actuarial Science, Computer Science and other fields deemed critical by the Government.
- Bumiputera, Malaysian citizen: Definition of Bumiputera – If one of the parents is a Malay and practicing Islam or Bumiputera (aborigines/indigenous for Sabah & Sarawak) therefore his/her children are Bumiputeras. Credits in Bahasa Melayu at SPM/SPMV level.
- Never been financed by any scholarship bodies at the same education level. Students whose scholarships have been terminated by any sponsor may apply for MARA financial assistance a year after the termination, with the condition that the students have to bear all expenses for that year and obtain excellent results.
- Institutions of higher learning are recognized by Malaysian Government or private institutions of higher learning are recognized by Private Education Division, Ministry of Education.
- Meet age requirements as follows:
i. Programs for SPM school leavers – 19 years and below
ii. First degree – not exceeding 30 years old
iii. Master’s degree/Medicine/Dentistry Specialization - not exceeding 40 years old
iv. Doctor of Philosophy (phD) – not exceeding 45 years old - Currently undergo courses that are of great importance to MARA.
- Free from any contracts or paid leave from employer while studying except for Medical Specialization courses (For each programs sponsored, there will be other specific requirements relevant to such programs)
- The Socio Economic status of the family where the annual taxable joint income of the parents or spouses must not exceed RM80,000.
Please visit
Any inquiries, please contact:Tel: (603) 26915111 ext 1400
France; Eiffel Scholarships 2010
Call for applications 2010 – Timetable France; Eiffel Scholarships 2010
Application forms put online: 10 September 2009
Deadline for reception of applications by Égide: 8 January 2010
Announcement of results: week of 22 March 2010
Information in English:
Untuk mengetahui French translation bisa save PDF document dan “Upload a document” dengan menggunakan:
Information and Application:
Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship 2010
Sampoerna Foundation Overview
Sampoerna Foundation is a professional philanthropy organization and a service provider for Corporate Social Responsibility with a commitment to education. It was established in 2001 in response to the urgent need to improve the quality of education in Indonesia.
Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship
The Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship is a means to groom Indonesia’s future business leaders.
Sampoerna Foundation provides one (1) scholarship to pursue a Master’s of Business Administration degree at leading university overseas. Upon completing the program, the scholarship recipient is required to return to Indonesia and endeavor to transfer his/ her knowledge to his/ her fellow citizens.
I. Basic Eligibility
Applicant must satisfy ALL of the following conditions:
1. Indonesian citizen who is under 35 years of age when lodging the application.
2. Hold a local Bachelor’s degree from any discipline with a minimum Grade Point Average of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale).
3. Have a minimum of 2 year full-time professional work experience after the completion of the undergraduate degree.
4. Currently did not enroll in graduate or post-graduate program, or obtained a Master’s degree or equivalent.
5. Did not graduate from an overseas tertiary institution, unless was on a full scholarship.
6. Do not receive other equivalent award or scholarship offering similar or other benefits at the time of the award.
7. Has applied to the university(ies) that are recommended by Sampoerna Foundation for the academic year 2010/2011 by the closing date of this scholarship application (February 1, 2010).
8. Submit the result of TOEFL/ IELTS and GMAT with the minimum score as required by the chosen university.
9. Have motivation to return to Indonesia and work in Indonesia upon completion of the MBA program.
II. Further Requirements
Applicant also must:
1. Demonstrate leadership potential and interest in and commitment to community and national development.
2. Meet the requirements for obtaining a student visa of the designated country upon acceptance of the scholarship.
3. Comply with the application of the scholarship rules and regulations as stipulated by Sampoerna Foundation, partner institution for each respective program, and the university.
III. Nature of award
1. The scholarship covers the following:
* GMAT and TOEFL/ IELTS reimbursement, one time only, based on original invoice;
* University application fee, for up to 2 (two) universities;
* Student visa application fee;
* Return airfares from Jakarta to the place of study;
* Tuition fees, for the duration of study;
* Living allowance, to support living costs during period of study;
* Literature allowance, to purchase textbooks required for study.
2. The scholarship is intended for full-time/ regular class study only.
3. Scholarship recipient is not permitted to undertake any form of employment at any time during the course of study.
IV. Duration of Award
1. The scholarship is provided for a maximum of 2 (two) years, or otherwise as stated by the university.
2. The scholarship recipient is obliged to complete his/ her study within 2 (two) years. Failure to complete the study within this timeframe will result in a penalty imposed whereby the scholarship recipient must return 50% of the total amount of scholarship fund already disbursed.
3. Continuation of scholarship is subject to the scholar’s satisfactory academic and non-academic progress.
V. Employment
There is no obligation for the scholarship recipient or Sampoerna Foundation to engage in any form of future employment.
Sampoerna Foundation does not oblige scholarship recipient to work for Sampoerna Foundation and its affiliates or
supporting organizations.
However, upon completion of study, the scholarship recipient is required to return and work in Indonesia for 5 (five)
consecutive years to contribute the skills and knowledge gained from the MBA study for the development of the country.
Application deadline is February 1, 2010.
Sampoerna Foundation recommends the 2010 scholarship applicants to apply for admission to any of the following
Sampoerna Foundation MBA in the USA Scholarship
1. Harvard University – Boston, MA
2. Stanford University – Stanford, CA
3. Northwestern University (Kellogg) – Evanston, IL
4. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) – Philadelphia, PA
5. Massachusetts Institut of Technology (Wharton) – Cambridge, MA
6. University of Chicago (Booth) – Chicago, IL
7. University of California-Berkeley (Haas) – Berkeley, CA
8. Columbia University – New York, NY
9. Yale University – New Haven, CT
Australian Education International – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Australia Scholarship
1. Australian Graduate School of Management
2. Melbourne Business School
Ambassade de France en Indonésie – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in France Scholarship
British Council – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in the UK Scholarship
1. London Business School
2. University of Cambridge (Judge)
3. University of Oxford (Said)
Singapore Education – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Singapore Scholarship
1. National University of Singapore
2. Nanyang Technological University
Application package can be downloaded at Sampoerna Foundation’s website: Interested applicants who meet the requirements must complete and return the application package (application form & reference form) by the deadline (February 1, 2010) to Sampoerna Foundation office:
Sampoerna School of Education Building
Jl. Kapten Tendean No.88 C, 5th Floor
Jakarta Selatan 12710, Indonesia
Further Scholarship Information and Application (pdf)
Post-doc Position in Data Mining and Machine Learning
The prospective candidates must:
* have a PhD in Computer Science or Mathematics (at the latest in November 2009).
* not have the French citizenship and not be member or doctor of a French university
* have knowledge in the theoretical aspects of one or more of the following:
o Machine Learning : Statistical and Relational Learning
o Clustering and categorization
o Evaluation methodologies
o Data Analysis
o Knowledge Discovery
o Generative Models for Data Mining
* have well-developed social skills directed to work in a team;
* have a good command of English
The position offers:
* a full time appointment for a period of 12 months
* about 1900 euros net monthly salary
* attractive and good working environments
To apply: Application details:
please apply as soon as possible. A first selection of candidates will be carried out during July.
Please send:
1. a CV (including publication record)
2. a brief research description presenting your Phd and related research interests (1-2 page(s))
3. your two best publications
The application must be sent by email to:
Pr Christel Vrain (
Dr Guillaume Cleuziou (
French Scholarships for Indonesia Students
The French Government, through the Embassy of France in Jakarta, has been providing excellence scholarships to Indonesian citizens for more than 28 years. In order to pursue its objective to improve Indonesian human resources, the Embassy of France will offer scholarships for the year 2009.
Those scholarships are given to government officials, lecturers, students, with a priority to those involved in a cooperation program between France and Indonesia, to undertake two kinds of training :
- Master degree (maximum duration of 2 years)
- Doctoral degree (maximum duration of 3 years, only on a shared cost basis)
- Minimum diploma : bachelor degree / S1
- Fluent in English (or French)
- Less than 35 years old
- Minimum GPA score of 3 (except for fundamental sciences – 3,5)
- Submit all the documents specified in the application form
The selection committee will give priority to applicants who have already identified a master/PhD program and have had a positive answer from a French professor (or an acceptance letter)..
Field of studies
Priority will be given to the following fields of studies :
* Engineering (water management, agronomy, civil engineering, information technology…)
* Sciences (biotechnologies, information and communication technologies, environment, risk and disaster management, energy, etc.)
* Public administration, economy
* Law and political sciences
Applications from students in other fields are nevertheless welcome, as acceptance will be primarily based on excellence.
Selection procedure
1. First step : selection based on application form and required documents submitted
2. Second step : motivation interview (French or English languages only) in Jakarta
Scholarship coverage
* intensive French language course : length according to the applicant’s needs and level (from survival course to extensive 11 months program)
* monthly living allowance
* 1 return ticket
* tuition fees (in public institutions for programs taught in French only)
* insurance
Download: (file ms word)
Application deadline
All applications must be sent before the 15th of April 2009 at the following address :
Ambassade de France en Indonésie
Service de coopération et d’action culturelle
Jl Panarukan no 35
Menteng – Jakarta 10310
Please note that applications sent via e-mail and after the deadline will not be taken into consideration.
CampusFrance office in Jakarta may help you finding the study program that suits your project.
CCF Jakarta
Jl Salemba Raya n°25
Jakarta 10440
tel : (021) 310 18 84
From Monday to Saturday, 9am-4.30pm.
For more information on this scholaship program please contact us at
La France en Indonésie
Jl. M. H. Thamrin No.20, Jakarta Pusat 10350, Indonesia
Tel (62)(21) 23 55 76 00 – Fax (62-21) 23 55 76 01
Ambassade: / Consulat:
[France] Masters PhD International Scholarship Programme
1) The Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (ENS de Cachan) has implemented a ScholarshipProgramme aimed at foreign students who are currently studying or have studied and obtained their latest diploma outside of France.
2) This programme is aimed at students wishing to apply for a second year Research Master (RM2) or for a PhD in order to follow or pursue their research training in one of the departments or laboratories of the ENS de Cachan. Priority is given to students who wish to undertake a complete second year of Research Master or a joint PhD (“cotutelle”).
3) The grant amounts to 1000 euros/month.
4) These grants are awarded for a minimum period of one semester (six months) and a maximum period of 12 months not renewable*.
Grants at the Master level:
· Grants are awarded for a period of 10 months to students applying for a whole academic year to
carry out a Research Master (RM2). All ENS de Cachan master programmes are concerned,
except the Design master programme and the Economics and Management master programme.
· Grants are awarded for a period of 6 months to students applying for one semester of study or
Grants at the PhD level:
· Grants are awarded for a period of 12 months to students applying for a whole academic year to carry out research in one of the ENS de Cachan laboratories. All ENS de Cachan research laboratories are concerned.
· Grants are awarded for a period of 6 months to students applying for one semester to carry out research in one of the ENS de Cachan laboratories. All ENS de Cachan research laboratories are concerned.
· In some case, especially for joint PhDs, 12 month grants may be awarded, upon decision of the jury, for two 6 month periods running through two consecutive academic years.
Candidates are required to send by e-mail (preferably) or by regular mail their application file, composed of:
• a letter of intention, specifying at the RM2 level the choice of Master and/or research training in alaboratory, at the PhD level the choice of laboratory and research project
• a detailed CV retracing the academic career with the course programme followed and the results (rankand marks) since entry at university
Application deadline: January 31st, 2009
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan
Relations internationales
61, Avenue du Président Wilson
94235 Cachan cedex – France
Click here for further Scholarship Information and Application form
172 PhD positions, young scientists INRIA
Opening the campaign: March 3, 2008.
* View positions available and applied on-line.http: / / list is updated frequently.
* Suggestions posted online, how and when they become available. Refer to the list regularly. Campaign end date: May 15, 2008.
Do you have a degree in computer science, automatic control or scientific computing equivalent to a master of French studies, you plan to become a researcher in the academic environment, or,
after learning based on research, to join the company or create one?
Join INRIA for PhD.
INRIA is at the leading edge research and its scientific themes are innovative. You can meet scientists there or international authority work with them. New ideas are discussed with interest. INRIA has a special relationship with industry and contributes to the emergence of startups based their research scientists (80 such companies, established 20 years). At least 80 different nationalities present at INRIA and activities are organized regularly to facilitate the integration of newcomers. The atmosphere is calm and everyone can contribute to the social life of the community.
A survey of doctoral students in vocational integration – the class of 2005
This inquiry, with an emphasis on INRIA 277 doctoral students who completed their thesis in 2005, has shown particularly positive outlook. On average, 18 months after completion of his dissertation, 97%
of doctoral graduates now occupy positions that are consistent with their career growth: 35% are researchers and teachers of research, 28% are engineers and 23% after the placements document. An introduction to full-length version of the survey.
Candidate actors specialist areas:
Communication System
– Distribution systems and software architecture
– Network and telecommunications
– Embedded systems and mobility
– Architecture and compiling
Cognitive Systems
– Statistical modeling and machine learning
– Perception, indexing and communication for images and videos
– Multimedia data: interpretation and man-machine interaction
– Image synthesis and virtual reality
Symbolic Systems
– Reliability and security software
– Algebraicheskih and geometric structures, algorithms
– Management and data processing, language and
The numerical system
– Control and complex systems
– Setok and high-performance computing
– Optimizing and inverse problems for stochastic or large-scale systems
– The modelling, simulation and numerical analysis available items Biological systems
– Modeling and simulation in biology and medicine
MBA Scholarships Sampoerna Foundation 2009 Intake
Are You a Future Leader?
Apply for Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarships 2009 Intake.
To apply this scholarship, applicants also must apply for admission to any universities in USA, Australia, France, and UK that recommended by Sampoerna.
Scholarship Program (Max. Number of Scholarship in 2009)
1. Sampoerna Foundation MBA in the USA. (4)
2. Australian Education International – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Australia (4)
3. Ambassade de France en Indonesie – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in France (2)
4. Singapore Education – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Singapore (2)
5. British Council – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in the UK. (2)
* Indonesian citizen, under 35 years old
* Hold a local bachelor degree in any discipline with a minimum GPA of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale)
* Have a min of two-years full time professional work experience after completion of undergraduate degree
* GMAT and TOEFL scores as required by the University chosen (both scores can be submitted when applicants pass the Sampoerna Foundation selection process)
* Currently didn’t enroll in graduate or post-graduate program or school, or obtain a Master’s degree or equivalent
* Didn’t graduate from an overseas tertiary institutions, unless it was on a full scholarship
Information Session :
Wednesday, March 5th, 2008 at 7P.M – 9 P.M
Sampoerna Strategic Tower , North Tower, 25th Floor, Room 01
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 45 Jakarta 12930
For Information :
E-Mail: OR
Tel: (021) 577-2340
Application Deadline: May 30th, 2008
Beasiswa Depkominfo 2008 Program S2 & S3 Luar Negeri
1. Lulusan sarjana S1 untuk pendidikan S2 dan lulusan S2 untuk pendidikan S3.
2. Memiliki IPK minimal 2.75 (dari skala 4)
3. Memiliki nilai Institutional TOEFL (ITP) minimal 550 atau IELTS minimal 6.5
4. Memiliki nilai Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA) minimal 550
5. Mendapat rekomendasi dari pejabat yang berwenang
6. Diutamakan:
a. Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun
b. Berusia maksimal 35 tahun untuk pendidikan S2 dan 40 tahun untuk pendidikan S3
c. Belum memiliki gelar dan tidak sedang menerima beasiswa lain dan atau sedang mengikuti program pendidikan S2 (bagi pelamar program S2) atau S3 (bagi pelamar program S3)
7. Pendaftaran dan penyerahan berkas lamaran beasiswa paling lambat tanggal 15 Februari 2008
Bidang Studi
Bidang studi yang diutamakan dalam program beasiswa ini adalah:
1. Hukum (Cyber, Satelit, Telekomunikasi, dan bidang hukum yang terkait dengan TIK lainnya)
2. Ekonomi (E-Commerce, E-Business, dan bidang ekonomi yang terkait dengan pemanfaatan TIK lainnya)
3. Ilmu Komputer
4. Teknik Informatika
5. Teknik Elektro/Elektronika
6. Teknik Telekomunikasi
7. Ilmu Komunikasi (Penyiaran, Jurnalistik, dan Komunikasi Masa)
Beasiswa yang diberikan untuk kuliah di Belanda, Perancis, Inggris, Swedia, dan Australia. Informasi selengkapnya mengenai persyaratan dan formulir pendaftaran silakan kunjungi atau
Download disini (Klik kanan dan "Save Link as…") untuk download informasi pendaftaran, formulir, dan lampiran-lampiran.
European Master Scholarship on Advanced Robotics
It also offers some subsidies (1.2 or 3 months) for non-European scholars (university).
The deadline for applications is January 31, 2008. The Master has been accepted as part of the prestigious European programme for education Erasmus Mundus. The consortium is conducting the Master consists of three institutions:
* Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France)
* University of Genova (Italy)
* Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)
The period of study is two years. The student spends each year to another facility, so he or she obtained two master’s degrees `s of these two institutions. Teaching language is English.
Details of the grants and master courses can be found at:
http: // /
Co-ordinator of EMARO
Prof. Wisama KHALIL
Ecole Centrale de Nantes IRCCyN (Institut de Recherche en Communications and Cybernetics of Nantes)
BP 92101, 44321 Nantes
Cedex 03 France.
E-mail: Wisama.Khalil @
PhD Position in Economics and Management Open to External Candidates
The aim of the PhD project is to investigate the link between technological change and the structure of labour demand. It should be investigated, theoretically and tested empirically, whether, how and by which extent, changes in the quality of equipments have affected the structure of production and type of labour requirements.
Requirements :
1. Master`s (MA, MSc or drs) or M.Phil in the area of economics and econometrics or related fields (mathematics, statistics).
2. Excellent quantitative and statistical skills
3. An interest in microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics
4. Good mastery of both written and spoken English (and French to some extent)
Further Information :
The supervisors of the thesis will be Prof. Bertrand Koebel. Applicants who require further information should contact him:
Tel: +33 390 242 190
The Faculty of Economics and Management is located in the centre of Strasbourg. For more information on the Faculty, including its research and staff members, please visit:
The appointment will initially be for 3 years. The gross salary will be in accordance with the national regulations for PhD students, and will be about 1200 Euro (net) per month, + 300 Euro if teaching tutorials classes (around 64 hours a year). The PhD thesis should be finalized within this period. PhD students are affiliated to the Augustin Cournot Doctoral school.
Application Procedure:
The application includes a CV (with academic references), academic transcripts (including, if available, performance of applicants relative to their cohort) and one confidential letter of recommendation from an academic teacher that must be sent to: Bertrand Koebel BETA – Université Louis Pasteur 61, avenue de la Forêt Noire 67085 STRASBOURG Cedex by ordinary mail. Applications are only considered if they are complete and received by july 31th, 2007. Start in October 2007.
Application deadline : 31 July 2007
Scholarship program to study in FranceBourses du Gouvernement Français (BGF) 2009/2010
The French Government, through the Embassy of France in Jakarta, hasbeen providing excellence scholarships to Indonesian citizens for morethan 28 years. In order to pursue its objective to improve Indonesianhuman resources, the Embassy of France will offer scholarships for the year 2009.
Those scholarships are given to government officials, lecturers,students, with a priority to those involved in a cooperation programbetween France and Indonesia, to undertake two kinds of training :
- Master degree (maximum duration of 2 years)
- Doctoral degree (maximum duration of 3 years, only on a shared costbasis)
- Minimum diploma : bachelor degree / S1- Fluent in English (or French)
- Less than 35 years old
- Minimum GPA score of 3 (except for fundamental sciences - 3,5)
- Submit all the documents specified in the application form
The selection committee will give priority to applicants who have already identified a master/PhD program and have had a positive answer from a French professor (or an acceptance letter).
Field of studies
Priority will be given to the following fields of studies :
- Engineering (water management, agronomy, civil engineering,information technology...)
- Sciences (biotechnologies, information and communicationtechnologies, environment, risk and disaster management, energy, etc.)
- Public administration, economy
- Law and political sciencesApplications from students in other fields are nevertheless welcome,as acceptance will be primarily based on excellence.
Selection procedure
- First step : selection based on application form and requireddocuments submitted
- Second step : motivation interview (French or English languagesonly) in Jakarta
Scholarship coverage
- intensive French language course : length according to theapplicant's needs and level (from survival course to extensive 11months program)
- monthly living allowance
- 1 return ticket
- tuition fees (in public institutions for programs taught in French only)
- insurance
Application deadline
All applications must be sent before the 15th of April 2009 at thefollowing address :
Ambassade de France en Indonésie Service de coopération et d'action culturelle
Jl Panarukan no 35 Menteng - Jakarta 10310
Please note that applications sent via e-mail and after the deadline will not be taken into consideration.
Campus France office in Jakarta may help you finding the study programthat suits your project.
Jl Salemba Raya no 25 Jakarta 10440
tel : (021) 310 18 84
Saturday, March 13, 2010
IJM Scholarship Award 2010
Students with excellent academic record, who are proactive and highly-motivated, and intend to pursue or are pursuing any one of the following courses are encouraged to apply for the IJM Scholarship Awards.
The IJM scholarship award covers fields of study such as Civil, Mechanical, Chemical and Electrical Engineering; Accounting; Housing, Building and Planning; Quantity Surveying; Applied Sciences; Economics; Business Administration; Materials Science and Geology.
for more information please visit
Those pursuing Foundation, Pre-U and Matriculation courses will not be considered.
* Aged 17 to 25 years old
* Displays outstanding leadership qualities matched by notable participation in extra-curricular activities like societies and clubs, sports, etc.
* Should not be currently or expecting to be receiving any form of financial aid (including scholarship and loan) or is bonded by any educational institution or organisation
* Has obtained or awaiting an offer from any of the recognised educational institutions
* Proficient in the English language (both oral and written)
* SPM of at least 6As and 2 passes for a minimum of 8 subjects
* STPM of at least 3As and a pass in the General Paper
* UEC of at least 5As
* CGPA of at least 3.5 for Diploma, Matriculation, Foundation or Pre-U. Please convert your scoring to CGPA when applying
Value Grants
* Undergraduate studies at local public universities at RM7,000 p.a.
* Undergraduate studies at local private institutions (“3+0” twinning programmes on a full-time and on-campus basis) at up to RM20,000 p.a.
* Diploma / Advanced Diploma courses at RM5,000 p.a.
Final selection for the scholarship will be based on candidates’ merits and other criteria set by the Foundation. Shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview at our head office in Kuala Lumpur.
Study Level
How To Apply To apply:
* Go to any Hong Leong Bank Berhad branch in Malaysia, during banking hours, and request for a copy of the Application Form
* Download the application form from
* Send a self-addressed envelope with a 50-sen stamp to:
Level 8, Wisma Hong Leong
18 Jalan Perak
50450 Kuala Lumpur.
* Incomplete and late applications will not be accepted.
* Only shortlisted candidates will be notified to attend the interview.
Deadline for submission is on 16 April 2010.
Japan Scholarship Program at University of Sydney
Each scholarship covers full tuition fees, an allowance for books and instructional materials, a monthly living allowance, medical insurance and travel expenses. For scholars engaged in research, a special grant may be applied to assist in field work and thesis preparation. In special circumstances, computer literacy, preparatory language and other similar courses may be covered under the scholarship.
Selection criteria for ADB - Japan Scholarship:
- Applicants with less than two years of work experience will not be selected.
- Preference to women candidates.
- Preference to applicants with lesser financial capacity.
- The Program will, in principle, not support applicants who have previously studied abroad.
- The Program will, in principle, not support applicants who are pursuing a second master’s degree or a second doctorate degree.
- Candidates who are applying in a participating academic institution in their own country may not be selected.
- Diversification of nationality in the overall Program as well as at each participating academic institution will be considered.
The scholarship period is one year. An appropriate extension for the second or third year of study is conditional on the scholar’s maintaining a satisfactory level of performance determined by the University of Sydney and following approval by the ADB. Competition for an ADB-JSP scholarship is extremely strong. Only candidates who receive an unconditional offer of admission will be considered for the ADB-JSP scholarship.
Application closing date for courses starting in March 2010 is 31 May 2009.
Application closing date for courses starting in July 2010 is 30 November 2009.
You can complete the Application Form by following the instructions on the form.
Please download the ADB-JSP application form.
Beasiswa Undergraduate Student 2010 Scholarship in Thailand
In this regard, OHEC is pleased to forward you a copy of the Annoucement of the Year 2010 RMUTR Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Students in ASEAN Countries and the Application Form for your dissemination to students and concerned bodies. Those who wish to apply for the scholarships are requested to contact RMUTR directly by 30 April 2010. The names of the successful candidates will be announced by RMUTR by 15 May 2010.
Terms and conditions of the scholarships are as follows:
1. The RMUTR Scholarship Program is open to all ASEAN candidates.
2. The scholarships do not carry a bond.
3. The scholarships cover only tuitions fees, without including any other costs, nor guaranteeing employment or residence in Thailand to the scholars upon their graduation.
4. The scholarships covers the entire duration of the undergraduate program (4-5 years) provided that every year the scholar demonstrates satisfactory progress as determined by RMUTR.
5. Applicant Qualifications:
- Both applicants and their parents must posses the citizenship of a foreign country. (Applications and their parent should not hold the Thai citizenship).
- Applicants should have adequate halth both mentally and physically to stay in foreign country foe along period of time.
- Persons who can contribute the mutual friendship between Thailand and the country of origin.
- Applications should be under 25 years of ages as of March 1, 2010
- Applicant must hold high school of certificates as March 1, 2010
- Applications should obtain a grade point of averag (GPA) of above 85% or 5% in rank from the top, from the last institution attended
- Proficiency in Thai will be highly preferred. The medium of instruction in undergraduate programs provided by RMUTR in Thai. So candidates for the scholarship should be able to use Thai languange at least at fair level.
6. Scholarship Payment
- Scholarship Period: 4-5 years of bachelor’s degree program.
More details of the procedure and application form can be downloaded here Undergraduate Scholarship of RMUTR
Thursday, March 11, 2010
KAUST Fellowship for MS Degree Programs and PhD Students
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) Fellowship
KAUST is committed to attracting high-caliber students, and providing a stimulating, rewarding, and challenging environment in which to live and learn.
You can apply to KAUST through the KAUST Fellowship.
The first step in the application process is to select the program you are interested in:
- Applied Mathematics and Computational Science (AMCS)
- Bioscience (B)
- Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE)
- Chemical Science (ChemS)
- Computer Science (CS)
- Earth Science and Engineering (ErSE)
- Electrical Engineering (EE)
- Environmental Science and Engineering (EnSE)
- Marine Science and Engineering (MarSE)
- Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)
- Mechanical Engineering (ME)
To apply for the KAUST Fellowship, you must meet the following eligibility requirements:
- Have completed your bachelor’s degree in a KAUST-relevant field of study by the end of June 2010.
- Current field of study must be in a KAUST-relevant area, such as Engineering, Mathematics, or the Physical, Chemical and Biological Sciences.
- Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale or equivalent in other international grading systems.
- Ability to enroll at KAUST in 2010.
- Must submit a minimum TOEFL score of 79 on the IBT (Internet Based Test) or 6.0 on the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) before application will be considered for admission. Only official TOEFL or IELTS scores will be accepted. TOEFL or IELTS scores for tests administered by an educational institution for admission to that particular institution are not acceptable. A TOEFL or IELTS score is not required if the applicant is a native speaker of English or received a degree from a university in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, or New Zealand. KAUST’s university code for the TOEFL exam is 4107.
- Must submit official GRE scores before application will be considered for admission. Our university code for the GRE exam is also 4139. Please use this code to request test scores to be sent to us.
- Official university transcript from every institution previously attended. We have provided downloadable file below that may be helpful in obtaining records from institutions you have previously attended. A scan of the official transcript must be uploaded into the online application form and an official document must also be sent directly from the university in a university sealed envelope to:Student Affairs,
Building 18,
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology,
4700 King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Thuwal 23955-6900,
Saudi Arabia
Application Deadline
For full consideration, applications for MS degree programs should reach KAUST by January 15, 2010. If circumstances prevent this deadline being met, KAUST will give consideration to applications received after January 15, 2010 for as long as places in the relevant degree program remain available.
The preferred application deadline for PhD students is January 15, 2010. Thereafter, students are welcome and encouraged to apply and be considered on a rolling admission basis.
If you are awarded a KAUST Fellowship, KAUST will provide the following benefits:
- Full tuition support
- A monthly stipend
- Free housing
- Travel benefit
Contact Us
KSA Office: +966 (2) 808 3428
USA Office: +1 (202) 326 1686
Student Affairs,
Building 18,
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology,
4700 King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Thuwal 23955-6900,
Saudi Arabia
International Scholarships at Victoria University
Victoria University will offer you a place if you meet the entry requirements, including the English language requirements and academic requirements.
For Indonesian Students
The Indonesian Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI) offers scholarships to lecturers in Indonesian Polytekniks to study at masters and doctorate level.
For Malaysia Students
The MARA Scholarships provides financial aid for Bumiputera students to study courses in science, engineering, management and other courses at undergraduate, masters and doctoral level.
Saudi Arabia
The King Abdullah Scholarship Program sponsors highly qualified Saudi students, who meet the highest level of academic standards, to study TAFE, undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
Application Forms
For more details please visit
Contact us
If you have further questions about scholarships, make you check our section on frequently asked questions on scholarships.
ASKVU Find answers and ask questions
Phone +61 39919 5568
Location Footscray Park Campus, Building M, Level 2 (via Student Engagement Reception)
Beasiswa Universitas Islam Madinah
Universitas Islam Madinah (al-Jami’ah al-Islamiyyah bil Madinah al-Munawwarah) didirikan pada tanggal 25-3-1381 H (6-9-1961), yaitu pada masa pemerintahan Raja Su’ud bin Abdul Aziz Alu Su’ud.
Rektor pertamanya adalah Syaikh Muhammad bin Ibrahim (Mufti Kerajaan Saudi Arabia), kemudian Syaikh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz (Mufti Kerajaan Saudi Arabia), dan saat ini dipimpin oleh Prof. Dr. Muhammad bin Ali al-’Uqla.
Kurikulumnya digodok oleh para ulama terkemuka dunia Islam, dan saat ini memiliki lima fakultas, yaitu:
- Fakultas Syariah.
- Fakultas Dakwah dan Ushuluddin.
- Fakultas Quran dan Dirasat Islamiyyah.
- Fakultas Hadits dan Dirasat Islamiyyah.
- Fakultas Bahasa Arab.
UIM juga membawahi tiga sekolah setingkat SMP dan tiga sekolah setingkat SMA. Menurut buletin Akhbarul Jami’ah, UIM merencanakan untuk merintis fakultas ilmu-ilmu umum dan membuka kampus khusus mahasiswi.
Universitas Islam Madinah merupakan hadiah dari pemerintah Kerajaan Saudi Arabia untuk para pemuda Islam di seluruh penjuru dunia. Hingga tahun 1429 H (2008 M), universitas ini telah meluluskan 20.385 sarjana S1 dari 147 negara, 74 %-nya dari luar Saudi, serta 968 master dan 621 doktor, 47%-nya dari luar Saudi. Untuk Indonesia secara khusus, UIM telah menelurkan 828 sarjana S1, 19 master, dan 8 doktor.
Bentuk beasiswa
Bentuk beasiswa yang ditawarkan adalah menyelesaikan program S1 tanpa dipungut biaya. Bagi yang belum siap bisa mengikuti program bahasa 1-2 tahun, dan bagi yang berminat, terbuka kesempatan untuk meneruskan hingga program S3. Disamping itu, ada banyak fasilitas yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa yang diterima, antara lain:
- Kesempatan tinggal di tanah haram dan belajar kepada ulama Haramain.
- Kesempatan menjalankan ibadah haji dan umrah.
- Tiket keberangkatan dari negara asal sampai Madinah.
- Tiket PP ke negara asal setiap liburan akhir tahun.
- Mukafaah (tunjangan bulanan) yang cukup, sehingga bisa lepas dari tanggungan orang tua.
- Badal kutub (tunjangan pembelian kitab) setiap tahun.
- Badal imtiyaz (insentif untuk peraih predikat mumtaz/cum laude) setiap tahun.
- Badal thiba’ah (tunjangan pencetakan tesis dan desertasi)
- Asrama yang nyaman dan kondusif.
- Pelayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit kampus.
- Transportasi antar jemput dari kampus ke Masjid Nabawi setiap hari
Persyaratan Umum
- Beragama Islam dan berkelakuan baik.
- Komitmen mentaati aturan UIM.
- Sehat jasmani.
- Lulus ujian atau muqabalah yang dilakukan pihak UIM.
- Memiliki ijazah dari sekolah negeri atau swasta yang mendapat akreditasi (mu’adalah) dari UIM. Berarti, ijazah dari sekolah negeri di Indonesia tidak perlu akreditasi.
- Siap belajar sepenuhnya.
- Memenuhi setiap persyaratan yang mungkin ditentukan UIM saat mengajukan permohonan beasiswa.
Persyaratan masuk program S1
- Memiliki ijazah SMA atau sederajat.
- Usia ijazah tidak lebih dari 5 tahun.
- Tidak pernah drop out (DO) dari universitas lain karena sebab akademis atau hukuman.
- Usia pemohon beasiswa tidak lebih dari 25 tahun.
- Peminat Fakultas Quran harus memiliki hafalan 30 juz.
Berkas yang diperlukan
- Ijazah.
- Daftar nilai ijazah / rapor tahun terakhir.
- Syahadah husn sirah wa suluk (surat keterangan berkelakuan baik), diutamakan dari sekolah asal. SKCK dari kepolisian juga bisa dipakai.
- Akte kelahiran dari instansi terkait.
- Surat keterangan sehat dari penyakit menular, dikeluarkan oleh instansi resmi.
- 6 lembar pasfoto ukuran 4 x 6.
- Tazkiyah (rekomendasi) dari dari 1 lembaga keislaman di negara asal, atau dari 2 tokoh agama yang dikenal, berisi keterangan komitmen menjalankan kewajiban agama dan berpegang kepada adab-adab Islam
Daurah Lughawiyah UIM Di Gontor
Setelah berhenti sekitar 8 tahun, insyaallah daurah tahunan Universitas Islam Madinah (UIM) akan diselenggarakan kembali. Kali ini, yang mendapatkan kehormatan menjadi tuan rumah adalah Ponpes Modern Darussalam Gontor. Daurah ini akan dihadiri oleh 11 dosen UIM dengan berbagai latar belakang keilmuan, dipimpin Wakil Rektor Prof. Dr. Ibrahim al-’Ubaid – hafizhahullah -. Di samping daurah khusus untuk undangan dari berbagai lembaga pendidikan di Indonesia, juga akan diadakan seleksi penerimaan mahasiswa UIM yang insyaallah terbuka untuk non undangan.
Berikut informasinya:
Nama daurah:
?????? ????????? ?????? ????? ??????? ???????? ?????????
Tempat penyelenggaraan:
PM Gontor 2, Madusari, Siman, Ponorogo, Jatim.
Waktu: 21 Shafar – 3 R. Awwal 1431 H ( 5 -16 Februari 2010 M)
Kontak Panitia:
1. Sekretariat : 0352 – 311766
2. Sunan Autadz, Lc. : 08125982576
3. Ridha Rakhman, S.Pd.I : 085233757525
4. Yadi Nur Alami : 081321437242
Ditulis oleh Ustadz Anas Burhanuddin, Lc.,M.A.
Mahasiswa Program Doktoral Universitas Islam Madinah. (serambimadinah/ut)
[Saudi Arabia] Postgraduate and Doctoral Scholarship from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals ( KFUPM) build in the year 1963 locations in Dhahran, Arab Saudi and just for men student. KFUPM now has program S2/S3 consisted of program Doktoral ( PhD.), program Master of Science ( MS.) and some other pascasarjana programs ( MBA, MACC., and MEng.).
Language of instruction applied is English and student is not claimed to have Arab linguistic competence. Academic person civity comes from various states and many activities like seminar, workshop or short course is carried out with matter giver from having immeasurable institution.
One of receiving line of student in KFUPM is passing
- Assistantship
- Lectureship, when applied,
- we also can apply for to become Research Assistant/RA ( to apply for S2) or Lecturer-B ( to apply for S3).
Program list S2/S3 in visible KFUPM in this document enclosure; description of visible program in KFUPM Graduate Bulletin available in:
Acceptance of new student done to be biannual namely at Spring Semester (February) and Fall Semester (September). Bundle lamaran can be sent during the year but minimum is sent one semesters before semester wanted.
Position Of RA or Lecturer-B is including university staff and obtains some facilities, among others:
- first departure ticket and last the going home
- free cost of study and text book
- monthly salary (SR 1.000 for RA; SR 2.500 for Lecturer-B)
- paid leave during 30 days per year
- tempat tinggal di asrama (satu kamar berdua)
Lecturer-B dapat memperoleh tunjangan rumah SR 8.000 per tahun jika telah membawa keluarga dan tinggal di luar kampus - layanan medis gratis di Medical Centre kampus dan subsidi 50% untuk obat-obatan
- subsidi di student restaurant
RA/Lecturer- B juga dapat ikut serta dalam funded project dan memperoleh tambahan sekitar SR 500 per bulan. Untuk funded project yang berasal dari Research Institute KFUPM atau instansi di luar KFUPM bisa mencapai sekitar SR 1.000 per bulan. Sebagai bagian dari keikutsertaan dalam funded project, RA/Lecturer- B juga berkesempatan untuk publikasi di jurnal atau seminar baik regional atau pun internasional. Di antara institusi yang memiliki kerja sama penelitian dengan KFUPM adalah Saudi Aramco (perusahaan minyak terbesar dunia), SABIC (perusahaan publik terbesar di Arab Saudi), Saudi Telecom Company, dan King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology.
RA/Lecturer- B memiliki kewajiban untuk membantu operasional departemen atau universitas. Beberapa contoh penugasan yang lazim diberikan adalah mengajar praktikum atau kelas S1, mengawasi ujian, tugas administrasi dan semacamnya. Jadi ada semacam kontrak kerja antara mahasiswa dan KFUPM; kontrak ini perlu ditanda tangani sebelum berangkat. Hampir semua mahasiswa S2/S3 (non-part time) dari luar Arab Saudi memiliki status ini.
Informasi mengenai syarat-syarat pendaftaran dan lainnya dapat dilihat di:
Secara umum syarat-syaratnya adalah:
- memenuhi persyaratan Deanship of Graduate Studies (lihat yakni:
- telah lulus S1 (program 4 tahun) untuk S2 atau telah lulus S2 untuk S3
- IPK >= 3.0 (kecuali untuk MBA >= 2.50) untuk S2 atau >= 3.20 untuk S3
- Nilai GRE yang memadai (GRE subject mungkin juga diminta untuk beberapa program)
- International TOEFL
- 190 CBT (520 PBT) untuk S2
- 210 CBT (550 PBT) untuk S3
- 4.0 untuk komponen writing (atau TWE) - Surat rekomendasi dari tiga dosen (format ada dalam formulir lamaran)
- Daftar berkas yang dibutuhkan dapat dilihat di
- Formulir lamaran dapat didownload dari
(dalam lamaran juga tandai melamar sebagai Research Assistant atau Lecturer)
International TOEFL dan GRE dapat ditunda jika prestasi akademik istimewa.
Sebaiknya komunikasikan niat untuk melamar ke departemen yang bersangkutan. Komunikasi tersebut bukanlah bagian yang harus dilakukan dalam prosedur pelamaran jika berkas lamaran lengkap namun penting agar pemrosesan lamaran tidak tertunda di Deanship of Graduate Studies karena kurangnya berkas TOEFL dan/atau GRE. Departemen dapat memiliki kebijakan yang berbeda-beda dalam masalah ini.
Surat rekomendasi dari dosen diminta untuk dikirim langsung namun boleh digabung dengan pengiriman formulir lamaran dengan cara:
- tiap surat rekomendasi disimpan dalam amplop terpisah dan dilem (1 surat 1 amplop)
- minta dosen yang memberikan rekomendasi untuk membubuhkan tanda tangan di tutup amplop itu sebagai segel lalu minta untuk distempel fakultas di bagian segelnya.
Setelah berkas diterima oleh KFUPM, pelamar akan dikirimi surat keterangan bahwa berkas telah diterima dan jika ada yang kurang akan diingatkan dalam surat itu. Dalam surat itu juga tercantum reference number yang dapat digunakan pada Admission Tracking System:
Informasi yang lebih detail dapat diperoleh melalui departemen program masing-masing. Juga silakan menghubungi penulis terutama untuk M.S. program in Computer Science.
Lampiran. Daftar program S2/S3 di KFUPM*
1. Computer Engineering
- M.S. Program in Computer Engineering
2. Information & Computer Science
- M.S. Program in Computer Science
- M.S. Program in Computer Networks (joint program of COE and ICS)
- Ph.D. Program in Computer Science and Engineering (joint program of COE and ICS)
3. Systems Engineering
- M.S. Program in Systems Engineering
- Ph.D. Program in Systems Engineering
1. Chemical Engineering
- M.S. Program in Chemical Engineering
- Ph.D. Program in Chemical Engineering
2. Civil Engineering
- M.S. Program in Civil Engineering
- Ph.D. Program in Civil Engineering
3. Electrical Engineering
- M.S. Program in Electrical Engineering
- M.S. Program in Telecommunication Engineering
- Ph.D. Program in Electrical Engineering
4. Mechanical Engineering
- M.S. Program in Mechanical Engineering
- Ph.D. Program in Mechanical Engineering
5. Petroleum Engineering
- M.S. Program in Petroleum Engineering
- Ph.D. Program in Petroleum Engineering
1. Architectural Engineering
- M.S. Program in Architectural Engineering
- Master of Engineering Program in Architectural Engineering
2. City & Regional Planning
- Master Degree of City & Regional Planning
3. Construction Engineering & Management
- M.S. Program in Construction Engineering & Management
- Master of Engineering Program in Construction Engineering & Management
- Master of Accountancy Program
- Master of Business Administration
1. Chemistry
- M.S. Program in Chemistry
- Ph.D. Program in Chemistry
2. Earth Sciences
- M.S. Program in Geology
- M.S. Program in Geophysics
- Master of Geology Program (Professional)
- Master of Geophysics Program (Professional)
- Master Program in Environmental Sciences
3. Mathematical Sciences
- M.S. Program in Mathematical Sciences
- Ph.D. Program in Mathematical Sciences
4. Physics
- M.S. Program in Physics
- Master Program in Medical Physics
Ahmad Ridha
Information and Computer Science Department
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
KFUPM #8223, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia.
Email: aridha {at} / ahmad.ridha {at}
Penulis merupakan dosen Departemen Ilmu Komputer IPB yang sedang menempuh S2 di King Fahd university.